The average landlord would prefer to keep the same tenants for as long as possible. Provided that the occupants of a unit pay their rent and don't cause any major issues, keeping them in a unit is generally more cost-effective than marketing the space to new tenants...
We Understand The Ins And Outs Of Real Estate Law
Month: July 2023
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Is it necessary to update an estate plan?
One of the things people don’t always realize when making an estate plan is that their plan can be updated. While an estate plan isn’t at risk of expiring, an out-of-date estate plan may make your wishes unclear for your executor and heirs. Some people schedule to...
The home you inherited has a lien. Now what?
Inheriting a home – particularly one you don’t plan to live in – can be a mixed blessing. Chances are that eventually you’ll be able to sell it for an amount that more than makes up for any time and expense you put into fixing it up and dealing with issues surrounding...