You and your business partner started your company with the goal of working together for decades. This company has always been your dream, and you and your business partner finally made it happen. Unfortunately, your partner doesn’t share your enthusiasm for staying...
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Business Law
Legal readiness: Managing a threat of business litigation
When someone threatens to target your business in a lawsuit, your actions can protect or jeopardize your company. It can be a stressful and confusing time, but a measured approach can help you stay focused. Following these guidelines allows you to take things one step...
Tips for effective debt collection
Dealing with unpaying customers can be a daunting affair that not only affects cash flow but also disrupts the smooth functioning of business operations. When customers fail to pay their debts on time, it creates a ripple effect throughout the business. If you have...
Disputes that your business may have to deal with
Running your own company can bring a lot of personal and professional satisfaction. You get to be your own boss and represent a brand that you have built. That being said, running a business is by no means easy. There are a number of potential legal disputes that you...
My partner is stealing from the business. What do I do?
Going into a business partnership with a like-minded person or group of people can be rewarding in many ways. Besides pulling resources together, a business partnership also lets you share your skills and experiences. But what happens when you discover that the person...
3 issues to consider when choosing a structure for your business
New Jersey is brimming with entrepreneurial spirit and industrial diversity, attracting many diverse business types. Those looking to start a new enterprise here may have good odds of gaining a foothold in the state consumer market. However, you must make a few...
2 ways the courts help creditors collect on unpaid debts
There are many ways for creditors to push someone who has fallen behind on their scheduled payments. Often, basic collection efforts can bring a past-due account back into good standing. A phone call advising someone that an account will shortly go to collections...
2 things to include in a partnership agreement
Entering a business partnership with someone can be a great way to move a company forward. Yet, whether you do it from the outset or once the business is up and running, one thing is crucial. You must create a solid partnership agreement. Here are some of the things...
What is a latent defect in construction?
You run a construction company, so you're always wary that clients may make claims that you have built them a defective property. In some cases, these claims have absolutely no grounds, such as when the client simply doesn't like the aesthetic choices but you followed...
What Are the New Jersey Civil Statute of Limitations Laws?
Each state has a legally imposed time limit for plaintiffs to file a civil lawsuit against a person or a business. This is called a statute of limitation and the time limit is an important way to preserve the evidence that is intended to be brought out while proving...