If you have a difficult tenant who you want out of your premises, frustrating their stay sounds like a sure way of getting them to vacate. Turning off their utilities like water, heating or power may seem like the perfect plan, but it is not. You could get in legal...
We Understand The Ins And Outs Of Real Estate Law
Month: April 2022
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5 issues often caused by problem tenants
You try to vet your tenants so that you don't have any issues and you get good tenants who are respectful of the space and who work with you every step of the way. But you don't always have enough time to make sure that you've gotten this perfectly right, or...
Tough questions to ask yourself when planning for the end of life
Thinking about a time when you are ill or nearing the end of life is uncomfortable but crucial. Most people want to retain control over their healthcare for as long as possible. However, not enough realize that estate planning can help you do just that. In estate...